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Money Pit…

Would you ever consider paying for something that you don’t use? I mean, honestly, take a second to think about that. Now that you’ve had time to think, I would only assume your answer would be no. Keep that same state of mind once you dive further into this blog.

Company Phones

We are in an era where technology is on the rise. Companies are starting to take part in the revolution and are evolving. One of the ways they have done so is by changing their ways of communication. Along with having an office phone, many employees are assigned work cell phones. This creates a constant line of contact for a company to utilize.

Phone Auditing

A monthly phone bill has to be paid. However, if someone were to get fired from a company, a recurring bill could take place. Now, that respected company would be paying for a phone line they don't use. A cell phone audit is key to preventing this issue. If not addressed, a deficit could transpire for the company over a long period.

How We Can Help

Here at CCI, we have an extensive process we follow when it comes to cellular auditing. Creating an inventory list for our clients' devices is the number one priority. The list allows us to keep track of each device purchased by our clients. To ensure user authentication, we record employee information and office locations. We prefer to manage the cellular contract, so double-billing does not occur. Oftentimes, many companies overlook their contracts and pay extra. Regular assessments for active lines can save money each month.

Contact Us Today!

Do not hesitate to give us a call. We can construct a plan of action for conducting a monthly audit. As each month passes by, your company could potentially be depleting funds. Hundreds if not thousands of dollars are on the line, so why wait.

Computer & Communications Innovations in the greater Nashville, TN area can easily assist you with a cellular auditing plan.

Please feel free to contact us now for more details