Tech Talks

Here we discuss the latest tech, web trends and cyber insights.

IT Support Chris Jones IT Support Chris Jones

OMG...Where Did My Data Go?!

If your computer has died and gone on to a better place, there is no need to grieve over the loss of your data. Our Nashville Data Recovery experts will be able to retrieve all the information you had on your hard drive.

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

Tis The Season for Scams: How to Stay Safe Online for The Holidays

With December already in full swing, the rush for purchasing presents and sending email Christmas cards has begun. As the focus of shopping has shifted away from physical stores and into online websites and mobile apps, cybersecurity becomes more important than ever.  We have collected some great tips from I.T Professionals to ensure that your private information isn’t a cybercriminal’s Christmas present!  

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Investment Scam Group CashRewindo Recycles Old Domains for New Schemes 

A Cryptocurrency focused group of cybercriminals has recently created a unique method to bypass security tools, by hosting on domains years or even a decade old. This technique is referred to as Domain Aging, as security tools are more likely to overlook domains that have been online with no malicious content for longer than two years. By registering the domains years in advance, it becomes far more likely that the user is never warned that the site hosts malicious links or scams.

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IT Support Chris Jones IT Support Chris Jones

Utilize your Microsoft Subscription

Microsoft 365 is more than just Word or Excel on the go. This full-suite of cloud-based subscription service sets you up to achieve fearless business growth. The apps boost business productivity, facilitate better documentation, and expedite other management tasks. Let’s see how else Microsoft 365 benefits the business world:

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

How To Identify Spam Email

Spam Email Identification

Despite the commonality of phishing attacks (email-based), more than 80% of businesses fall for these deceptive tactics. Some emails look so authentic and compelling that it is easy to fall prey to the bait. And once you, a fish, get into the hacker’s net, your data and identity can be compromised in no time.

Ways to Identify Spam Emails

Phishing is a sophisticated cyberattack of netting users via email to obtain confidential information for ill purposes. These emails can 99% look like ones from your contacts. But the following distinguishes a bad email from a genuine one:

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

Malicious invoice emails compromises computers

Cybersecurity forms have reported a new iteration for trojan emotet malware. Hackers sent emails requesting payment or invoices. Users opened the excel or word document getting their computer infected by malware. Are you aware of your business security vulnerabilities? Contact CCI today for our cyber security audit services, we will check your network and provide custom security solutions.

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

Microsoft Doesn’t Call You Unsolicited

A hacker group sent invoice scam subscription pdfs with remote software attached. The hackers extracted their personal information and asked for money to not release their information. It is best to be cautious about unsolicited invoices. CCI offers secure email filtering and security services to ensure data is safeguarded. Contact us today for consultation or for any questions.

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

Security News- Android Exploit and MFA Fatigue

Android Lock-screen exploit found. Update your Android device to the latest version to protect your device. MFA fatigue allows users to access account protected by MFA by social engineering and sending several MFA requests until the user accepts the prompt. Data breaches continue to advance every day. Contact a CCI representative today for a security free consultation session.

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IT Support Chris Jones IT Support Chris Jones

The Importance of a Responsive Website Design

Today, nearly 70% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. If your site isn’t responsive or mobile-friendly, your potential visitors will bounce off in no time. CCI offers responsive website design services. We will work together with you to develop and enhance your online presence. Call the CCI web design and development experts at 615-928-2438 to look into your options.

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IT Support Chris Jones IT Support Chris Jones

We Have to Talk About WordPress

Security is a consistent topic of conversation amongst WordPress users. WordPress’s popularity as well as the numerous ways to exploit the system, is what attracts hacker groups. Plainly, hackers can attack a lot more sites with a lot less work. They just need to hack WordPress or, most commonly, a WordPress plugin, or create and market a plugin of their own.

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

Elevate Email Security with Nashville Managed IT Services

Malware and phishing should be the main concern when it comes to system vulnerability. Email protection is essential and CCI can offer you the protection your small business or corporation needs. Secure your email with the implementation of advanced email filtering software. To protect against Viruses, Phishing and Spam our email filtering software has 17 layers of protection.

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

Data Breach News

Computer & Communications innovation will be able to do a security audits for your business. We will offer you custom IT solutions for you business that are tailored to your needs. Please contact a cyber security expert at Computer & Communications Innovations, we can consult you about your business vulnerabilities and data breach prevention.

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IT Support Chris Jones IT Support Chris Jones

Dang It, Blocked Again!

We can integrate business internet filtering to improve your business’s productivity. Enabling website restrictions will prevent employees from going to non-work related websites, inappropriate content, and malicious websites. CCI will set up a blocking system to restrict the websites that may disrupt the business workflow. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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Cybersecurity Chris Jones Cybersecurity Chris Jones

Tis the Season… for Ransomware

Do you remember the last time you did a security audit for your business security measures? Our CCI network security consultants will analyze your business physical and cyber security. We will develop a customized strategic plan to meet your security requirements.

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IT Support Chris Jones IT Support Chris Jones

Convert Your Business to Work From Home

Are you interested in converting your business to working from home? We will support you with the transition to remote work process. We will assist you incorporate using video conferencing software into your business. We can help you set up an online store. This will help you retain a customer base while also retaining your current relationship with your vendors.

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IT Support Chris Jones IT Support Chris Jones

“CCI Help Desk, How May We Help You?”

You will not need to wait for a technician to arrive at your business. The CCI helpdesk will immediately remote into your computer to troubleshoot. Employees may encounter computer issues that impact their productivity. We will work together will you to ensure all IT operations are functioning to prevent any downtime. CCI provides IT services in Nashville. Contact us today for IT consultation.

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